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CHF 230 Sostenuto par Raiffeisen

Help me reach my dream

Un progetto della regione della Banque Raiffeisen de Sierre & Région

Hi everyone, my name is Roman Popov, I am 16 years old, and i need your help to continue my skiing career, let me explain. Each year, my parents have to pay around 30000 CHF in order for me to compete in skiing.

This money goes to different things, such as equipement. This also covers my sports boarding school and my ski team fees. All of this combined with my hard training, physicaly in summer and on skis in winter, is done in order for me to achive my dream and become World Champion.

However nothing is free and i created a crowdfunding, in order to pay for a part of my next season's fee. Any donation. big or small helps me achieve my goal, and i am incredibely grateful to all off you. Thank you for reading, have a nice day!

CHF 10’360
CHF 5’000
Importo minimo
CHF 10’000
Importo desiderato
CHF 230 Sostenuto par Raiffeisen

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