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Un progetto della regione della Raiffeisenbank Worblen-Emmental

We are the Swiss women's water polo team - and we need your help!

In the coming 3 weeks we will compete in two playoff games against Israel to earn a ticket to the European Championships. If we win these games, this will be the first appearance for any Swiss Senior team at a European Championship for water polo. We are raising money so we can afford to participate in these playoff games.

CHF 6’950
CHF 6’000
Importo minimo
CHF 12’000
Importo desiderato

Per il progetto è stato possibile selezionare i seguenti sostegni

Periodo di finanziamento 10 ott 2019 07:28 ore - 8 nov 2019 23:59 ore
Periodo di realizzazione 30 Days

We currently have the strongest women's team Switzerland has yet seen; a team who, for the first time in Swiss history, has a realistic chance to qualify for the Championships. Thanks to your overwhelming support from our first "I believe in you" campaign as well as sponsorship from Swiss Water Polo Friends, we were able to add the following to our training schedule:

  • EU Nations tournament (third place finish)
  • Training weekend in Firenze, games against professional teams
  • Training weekend with the Thailand national team
  • Additional training weekends in Switzerland

This enabled us to execute the perfect training plan leading up to the playoffs, and we are now 100% physically and mentally prepared to win.

However we are not financially prepared. We do not have any funding left to pay for our travel to Israel or to host our home game. Currently the players need to pay their own way, and the remainder will come out of our budget for the coming year. This will impact our ability to continue training together and carry this positive momentum into 2020.

Our team is composed of strong, committed, motivated women who love this sport and are doing everything possible to drive its growth in Switzerland. We are honored to represent our country and want to continue being able to do so, but the financial burden from these two games is not possible for all players to bear.

We are asking for your help to offset the cost of our flights to Tel Aviv, which cost 900 CHF per person. We are grateful for any amount you are able to give!

The money donated is not only helping us afford these games, but more importantly it will allow us to enter 2020 with a full training program and to continue the fantastic growth we have experienced in 2019.

Success of our women's elite team also motivates the younger generation of girls who are just beginning this sport and look up to these women who are pioneering the way. Success allows us to re-invest in the younger generation and build this sport in the long term, which is the ultimate goal!

We want to share this journey with you and hope to see you at our final playoff game in Sursee at 18:00 on Saturday, October 26th!
Tickets available here:


Importo minimo

We are grateful for any amount we can gather to offset the costs of these playoff games for our players.

Importo desiderato

The flights to Tel Aviv cost 12,000 CHF for our team. Being able to finance this through your support means that we will not need to take money away from our 2020 budget.

THANK YOU for your continued support, we appreciate it more than we can express! Because of you, we are able to play the sport we love. THANK YOU for being a part of our journey.

A huge thank you to Preetham Lawrance for producing this video.

And to Ralph Heksch of Centro Sportivo Tenero for the team photos.

52 Sostegni
Schwimmclub St. Gallen 1909
3 nov 2019, 19:20
Jan Eberhart
3 nov 2019, 09:02
David Stucki
31 ott 2019, 08:06