Les parrainages suivants ont pu être choisis dans le cadre du projet
Blog du projet
Thanks a lot

Our Crowdfunding comes to an end and we only can thank you so much for your endless support. We really appreciate every single gesture, which helped us to come trough this rough time. As we know now who contributed and how much, we welcome you to use your booked nights in the Backpackers, the Chalet or the campground. Come and dine with us on Burger Monday or use your private guiding tour at Magic Wood. Thanks again for your support and we are looking forward to host you soon at the mekka of bouldering.
Successfull start

We are now 5 days into our crowdfunding and are overwhelmed with the solidarity of the climbing community. Thanks a lot for the never ending support. Please keep it up and share it with your friends and family. Have a great Sunday and stay safe and healthy.
Lets start

Here we go to start our first crowdfunding due the extreme situation up here at Magic Wood. Thanks already for the first supporters. It's already overwhelming. For those who are not living in Switzerland or the EU and still would like to support us, please send an email and we can exchange bank details. Email: customerservice@valferrera.com Thanks a lot to all you...and we hope to see you soon.