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Druckatelier Johannisberg 1911

Un progetto della regione della Raiffeisenbank Oberseetal

Der Verein Weiss- und Schwarzkunst im KMU Center «Alti Cherzi», soll die neue Heimat der Johannisberg 1911, einer Lithoschnellpresse oder auch Steindruckmaschine genannt, werden. Transport und Aufbau der Druckmaschine sowie bauliche Massnahmen im Atelier für das richtige Klima, Strom- und Wasseranschlüsse, benötigen jedoch eine Anschubfinanzierung damit der Druckbetrieb aufgenommen werden kann.

CHF 16’570
CHF 15’000
Importo minimo
CHF 24’000
Importo desiderato

For our Friends

Reto Schorta
Reto Schorta
4 agosto 2021

Hello. My name is Reto Schorta and we are here in Hochdorf near Lucerne, Switzerland. This is the area of the old candle factory “Alti Cherzi” where our association “Weiss- und Schwarzkunst” is revitalizing a century old stone printing press. “Weiss- und Schwarzkunst” houses active ateliers for paper production, bookbinding, letterpress, and typesetting to keep these trades alive. Accordingly, we want to save a fully functional Johannisberg 1911 and rehome it in December 2021. Renowned artists like Alberto Giagometti, Oskar Kokoschka, Alois Carigiet, Hans Erni and Marc Chagal have printed their works on this exact lithography high-speed press. The plan is to erect the prestigious machine in one of these production halls and to use it with an open-door policy. Everybody is welcome to join! We’ll exchange know-how, teach courses, organize events, and simply treasure this craftmanship. Everything is full force, except our Johannisberg 1911 is yet to be transferred. Moving all the parts and building this beast will take your support. In gratitude for being a vital chain-link in the success of this project, wonderful lithographies will await you at the opening ceremony. Thank you for your support.

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